Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of irreversible blindness throughout the world. It is estimated that nearly 70 million persons worldwide suffer from this condition. Although there is no permanent cure, it can be very successfully managed with proper care. The doctors at Optometric Images can diagnose and provide a treatment plan to manage the disease and slow its progression. We also work with surgical specialists should glaucoma be more aggressive and require surgical intervention.

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What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a collection of ophthalmic diseases that, if left untreated, causes progressive optic nerve atrophy that can eventually lead to irreversible blindness. The most common form of this disease is primarily open-angle glaucoma, which comprises almost 90% of all glaucoma. The remaining 10% is made of another type of glaucoma such as congenital, narrow-angle, pigmentary, and secondary glaucomas.

Glaucoma occurs when your eye is either producing too much fluid or the amount of fluid produced does not drain out of your eye fast enough. It can also be a combination of both conditions together. Glaucoma can be controlled successfully by using eyedrop medication but on aggressive forms of glaucoma, there are surgical procedures that may be necessary.

Warning Signs

Open-angle glaucoma is known as a “silent” disease. It is called silent because one will never know they have it unless tested for. It damages the eye and affects vision very slowly. It causes no pain or vision changes during its initial stages. The only sure way of finding if you have it is through yearly eye exams.

Acute angle-closure glaucoma, or narrow-angle glaucoma, is a more severe form of glaucoma that can have early symptoms. This type of glaucoma usually affects older people, especially those with untreated cataracts. It can cause a rapid rise in eye pressure causing permanent damage to the optic nerve and permanent vision loss. Some common early signs of acute angle-closure glaucoma are:

  • Sudden blurred vision
  • Severe eye pain-usually intense excruciating pain associated with eye reddening Vomiting and Nausea
  • Headache on the forehead or around the eyes
  • Seeing Halos surrounding lights-for example, rainbow-colored rings encircling the lights

Contact Us for Optometry Care for Glaucoma in Dublin

Because glaucoma shows no early symptoms, it is essential that you schedule an annual eye exam with our team. Our Optometrists can create a treatment plan to help slow the disease’s progression to help preserve your vision. Contact us today to see how our team at Optometric Images can help patients in the Dublin/Tri-Valley Area.